Anyways, Cody and I were with two or three other friends at this comic-con. If you've never been to one, this is a place where companies promote movies, comics, TV shows, and anything else they think is worth promoting. Amongst the movies being promoted at this con was Team America: World Police. This movie is remembered as the puppet-centered comedy film from the creators of South Park. It wasn't exactly the best movie ever, but it had some laughs.
Anyways, like I was saying, this movie was being promoted at the con. It had been in theaters for about two weeks by this time, and it wasn't really doing as well as they had hoped it would at the box office. Cody and I visited the booth, took a few knicknacks they had sitting around, and con-ned on.
When we were about to leave, the con was closing. We had our backpacks filled with useless crap from our day's adventure, and were looking to eat somewhere afterwards. When we walked by the now taken-apart Team America booth, we saw two rolls of what looked like police-issue CAUTION tape on the table. These rolls were branded with the Team America logo, and the date that the movie came out (October 2004). We grabbed these rolls, mine being much larger than his, and probably completely unused.
Well, I still have my roll of Team America tape. I'm pretty sure Cody used up all of his shortly after we got them, but I kept mine exactly how I found it, never once unrolling it.
And here it is:
And here it is:

And if you want to know how much I have, here:

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