I am fully convinced that the above is the saddest Pokemon card in existence. In the foreground is a crying Omanyte, which is sad on its own. But take a gander at the two Omanytes in the background. First of all, they are showing some pretty hot hand/tentacle-holding action back there, gazing lovingly into one another's eyes. Second, there is a HEART MADE OF BUBBLES ABOVE THEM. This is near impossible. It's clear and obvious to me that those two in the background spent hours choreographing their bubble blowing techniques to form a heart bubble and make the foreground Omanyte cry at their awesomeness. Those bitches.
For the saddest Pokemon card in existence, this makes me shiver and shake with joy. I could laugh so hard I'd hurl.
LOL@the bubble statement.
They put my life in a pokemon card.
i read this blog alot, but you consider writing a paragraph about a fucking pokemon card your best stuff?
get real.
Did you read all of the previous comments before posting? Or even the post itself?
You seem to be in the minority here.
Yes, i'm not some dumb troll. I seriously think you could write a lot better then this.
What do you suggest I write about then?
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