#5: The Brothers Bloom (May 29)
Starring Mark Ruffalo and Adrien Brody, The Brothers Bloom follows the Bloom brothers (shocking!) who swindle and con millionaires into giving them boatloads of money. It was written and directed by the fantastic Rian Johnson, who helmed the 2005 drug-filled drama Brick (one of my favorite movies). Early reviews state that it is a fun-filled instant classic, and likely an awards contender. I'm hoping it will be something in the vein of In Bruges, which was one of my favorites from '08.
#4: Star Trek (May 8)
In a world filled with movies set around space whose titles begin with the word "star," there has been only one set of movies for me: Star Wars. But my faith in George Lucas has been shaken, stirred, ingested, passed through several miles of intestinal tract, and subsequently pissed out over the course of the last ten years, so I've been looking for a new franchise to fall in love with.

#4: Star Trek (May 8)

Enter Lost co-creator J.J. Abrams' take on the 40-something year-old Star Trek franchise. With a new slew of actors, updated visuals, and no overbearing creators to ruin it (sorry, Gene), his take on the adventures of Captain James T. Kirk of the Star Trek Enterprise is shaping up to be one of the best.
And the best part about it all? Simon Pegg plays Scotty. Score!
#3: X-Men Origins: Wolverine (May 1)
Despite the fact that I keep relosing and regaining faith in Marvel Comics' movies after every other film they release, I can't help but be extremely excited for this. Hugh Jackman is reprising his role as Wolverine/Logan/James Howlett, in this adaptation of Wolvie's life before the X-Men, dating back to the early 1900's. Ryan Reynolds was perfectly cast as Wade Wilson/Deadpool a few months ago, following the news of Black Eyed Peas frontman will.i.am being cast as John Wraith. Leiv Schreiber was cast as Victor Creed/Sabertooth, and Friday Night Lights actor Taylor Kitsch was cast as Remy LeBeau/Gambit.
The production photos and trailer have been promising, though I am slightly nervous about their version of Deadpool. You see, in the trailer, we see an unmasked Ryan Reynolds swinging two swords around (Deadpool's signature weapons) while wearing a red tank-top. Hopefully this isn't what he looks like "in costume," because I will be a million times more disappointed than I was when I saw Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and realized that Galactus was an oort cloud.
#2: Moon (TBA)
I want to mention this before I go on a rant about this movie: Sam Rockwell is one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood right now. From powerful roles in movies like Snow Angels to undeniably funny roles in movies like Choke (which I still haven't seen), and smaller (but still amazing) roles in movies like The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, he is definitely on my list of actors to be on the lookout for in coming years.
The movie is set in the not-so-far future in which Rockwell's character (an astronaut named Sam Bell) is stranded on the moon for three years straight. Apparently, sometime near the date he is set to leave the rocky planet, he has a "personal encounter" or something like that. I haven't read the book, so I'm not sure what exactly happens, but it sure does sound interesting.
Besides that, the movie looks appealing to me for three reasons:
-It's a drama. Set in space. Duh.
-It's directed by Duncan Jones, AKA Zowie Bowie, AKA David Bowie's son (who wrote the book that the movie is based on). Once again, duh.
And the best part about it all? Simon Pegg plays Scotty. Score!
#3: X-Men Origins: Wolverine (May 1)

The production photos and trailer have been promising, though I am slightly nervous about their version of Deadpool. You see, in the trailer, we see an unmasked Ryan Reynolds swinging two swords around (Deadpool's signature weapons) while wearing a red tank-top. Hopefully this isn't what he looks like "in costume," because I will be a million times more disappointed than I was when I saw Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and realized that Galactus was an oort cloud.
#2: Moon (TBA)
The movie is set in the not-so-far future in which Rockwell's character (an astronaut named Sam Bell) is stranded on the moon for three years straight. Apparently, sometime near the date he is set to leave the rocky planet, he has a "personal encounter" or something like that. I haven't read the book, so I'm not sure what exactly happens, but it sure does sound interesting.
Besides that, the movie looks appealing to me for three reasons:
-It's a drama. Set in space. Duh.
-It's directed by Duncan Jones, AKA Zowie Bowie, AKA David Bowie's son (who wrote the book that the movie is based on). Once again, duh.
-It's an independent movie with an original story that co-stars Kevin Spacey as the voice of a robot. For the third time, duh.
The trouble with the last one is that it has no known movie distributor over here in the U.S., so no release date has been set. Fingers crossed that it'll be soon, eh?
#1: Watchmen (March 6)
I'm so excited for this movie that I maintain an erection for close to four hours after every time I think about it. And I think about it about once every 20 seconds, so life has been painful and embarassing since the time I saw the first boner-ific trailer a few months ago. See, you think I'm kidding, but I'm not. I am more excited for this movie than I was for The Dark Knight's release this last summer. Basically, that means I'm really fucking excited. Really.
Based on the epic graphic novel of the same name and directed by Zach Snyder (of 300 fame) Watchmen follows a few formerly masked-and-costumed individuals as they stave off demons from their past in 1980's New York City. It's action-packed, story-based, and really fucking original and awesome.
To be blunt, if Snyder doesn't fuck this one up, and actually stays true to the book, it will be one of the greatest movies of all time. Lawd knows it's one of the best books.
#1: Watchmen (March 6)

Based on the epic graphic novel of the same name and directed by Zach Snyder (of 300 fame) Watchmen follows a few formerly masked-and-costumed individuals as they stave off demons from their past in 1980's New York City. It's action-packed, story-based, and really fucking original and awesome.
To be blunt, if Snyder doesn't fuck this one up, and actually stays true to the book, it will be one of the greatest movies of all time. Lawd knows it's one of the best books.
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